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Tip produs: Plant Design | proiectare instalatii tehnologice | instalatii tehnologice CAD
Producator: CEA Systems Olanda
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Prezentare Plant-4D

Plant-4D este un program de proiectare instalatii
Plant-4D este un program software unic orientat pe obiecte de date, care poate fi utilizat fara a fi restrictionat de nicio platforma CAD sau sistem de baze de date. Tehnologia Plant-4D asigura o transparenta totala si compatibila intre diversele platforme CAD, atat a desenelor, cat si a datelor. De exemplu, este posibil a incepe un proiect in AutoCAD si a-l continua in MicroStation, fara a pierde nici o informatie sau functionalitate.
Tehnologia Data Object a Plant-4D in combinatie cu utilizarea unei singure baze de date este forta care conduce noua generatie a Plant Design Software.
In afara flexibilitatii dintre diferitele platforme CAD care este oferita de Plant-4D, un alt avantaj este stabilitatea software-lui. "Motorul" programului lucreaza independent de platforma CAD. Pltforma Cad poate fi utlizata pentru scopul in care a fost creata, adica desenul. Modulul inteligent si baza de date ruleaza in afara platformei CAD, imbunatatind atat stabilitatea si viteza de operare a software-lui. Modulele sunt dezvoltate in asa fel incat flexibilitatea ulterioara este asigurata, prin utilizarea tehnicilor de programare de ultima ora disponibile.
Plant-4D se diferentiaza prin design-ul modular. Utilizatorul poate configura propriul sau software Plant Design prin diversele module oferite. Modulele pot utilizate fie independent sau in legatura unele cu altele.

Plant-4D is Plant Design Software

Plant-4D is a unique Data object-oriented Plant Design software tool, which can be operated without being restricted to any particular CAD-platform or Database system. The Plant-4D technology ensures full transparent compatibility between different CAD-platforms, both for drawings and data. For instance it is possible to work on a project in AutoCAD, and continue with the same project in MicroStation, without losing any information or functionality.
The Plant-4D Data object Technology in combination with the use of one single database is the driving force behind the new generation in Plant Design Software.

Besides the flexibility between the different CAD-platforms that is offered by Plant-4D, another advantage is the stability of the software. The 'engine' of the software works independently of the CAD-platform. The CAD-platform can be used for what it is intended for, namely drawing. The intelligence and the database run outside the CAD-platform, improving both the stability and the operating speed of the software. The modules are developed in such a way that flexibility for the future is ensured, through the use of the latest programming techniques available.

Plant-4D differentiates itself through its modular design. The user can configure his own Plant Design software tool from the various modules offered. The modules can either be used independently or in conjunction with each other.
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