Prezentare ConSeco International
ConSeco a fost infiintata in 2001 si are parteneri din domeniile: farmaceutic, parafarmaceutic, aparatura medicala, spitale private, etc.
Daca sunteti interesat in cresterea market share-ului pe piata romaneasca, ConSeco va ofera un parteneriat avantajos
ConSeco va ofera urmatoarele servicii:
Leasing personal
ConSeco va asigura necesarul de persoane de care aveti nevoie fara ca aceasta sa duca la cresterea numarului dvs. de angajati. Persoanele inchiriate pot fi din toate departamentele companiei: vanzari, marketing, financiar, administrativ,
Recrutare personal
ConSeco recruteaza pentru companiile interesate persoane potrivite pentru toate departamentele: vanzari, marketing, financiar, administrativ, etc.
Marketing si distributie
ConSeco ofera servicii de consultanta in marketing si distributie pentru companiile interesate.
ConSeco ofera programe specifice de training pentru companiile interesate, acestea obtinand cresterea eficientei muncii si a performantei, cresterea coeziunii in grup, acumularea de noi cunostinte si deprinderi.
Inregistrare produse
Inregistrarea reprezinta primul si unul din cei mai importanti pasi in ce priveste intrarea pe piata romaneasca de profil.
Reprezentare companii
ConSeco va ofera servicii complete de reprezentare pe piata romaneasca. Oferta ConSeco include toti pasii necesari crearii si exploatarii unei reprezentante in conditii de deplina functionalitate.
Pentru detalii cu privire la serviciile oferite, vizitati site-ul nostru
ConSeco is a company specialised in pharmaceutical marketing, product registration, human resources services, etc. providing consultancy services for healthcare companies.
ConSeco was founded in 2001 and has partners who are active in the following areas: pharmaceutical, parapharmaceutical, cosmetics, medical devices, private hospitals, etc.
Our philosophy is to provide high quality services.
If you are interested to enter or to increase your market share on the Romanian Profile Market ConSeco offers you a win-win partnership.
ConSeco services are represented by:
a) Company Representation:
ConSeco can represent interested foreign companies on romanian profile market. Our employees has an experience of over 7 years on romanian pharmaceutical market in different companies in different mangerial sales or marketing positions.
We know the market and how to be succesfully with the products of your company. Our offer includes full consultancy services.
ConSeco Approach
- complete registration of the company and its products on romanian market
- marketing, sales and human resources
-distribution and logistics
- finance and accounting
- contacts management with fiscal autorities, medico-pharmaceutical autorities, Health Ministery, etc.
b) Product Registration:
The product registration is the first and the most important step to enter Romanian market. ConSeco offer support for all stages in registration process for the following products:
- pharmaceuticals
- parapharmaceuticals
- food suppliments
- medical devices
ConSeco Approach
- getting information for products that the company wants to register
- ConSeco report to the company about the documentation required for registrate the products and time estimation
- contacts management with local regulatory authorities involved in this project (National Agency of Drugs, Technical Office for Medical Device, etc.)
- we also translate in romanian the files involved in the registration process
c) Marketing Consulting Services:
ConSeco offers Marketing & Distribution consultancy services for interested companies.
Some of our marketing consultancy services includes:
- marketing research activities
- promotional activities
- organisation of seminars / conferences
Marketing consultancy services include:
- market potential and competitive analysis
- recommendation of product pricing
- launch plans for a new product
- marketing research activities
- marketing strategy development
- promotional activities and communication campaigns
- organisation of seminars and conferences related to healthcare topics
d) Distribution Consulting Services:
Distribution consultancy services include:
- consultancy regarding how to create your own network distribution
- consultancy in choosen distribution partners
- consultancy in distribution strategy
e) Human Resouces Services:
ConSeco offers human resources services. These services include: outsourcing, recruitment and training.
Persoana de contact: Eduard Carauleanu
Fax: 0213208229
Categorie principala:
Servicii/Consultanta » Consultanta management
Adresa postala: Cal Vitan 104
Localitate: Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Telefon: click aici
0213208229Localitate: Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Fax: 0213208229
Categorie principala:
Servicii/Consultanta » Consultanta management
Oferta firmei ConSeco International nu contine nici un produs sau serviciu