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Worldwide phone calls with unique features
In an era of high standard communications and competitive market, CONTACT INTERNATIONAL 2000 is an international company which provides advanced voice communication traffic between different locations, valuable voice technology, exceptional quality and low prices phone calls. Moreover, CONTACT INTERNATIONAL 2000 makes a real difference on the Romanian market with special products and services designed to transform communications in a successful business.
Contact\'s services - One of the advantages of PREPAID cards and POSTPAID service is the interconnection facility in Israel, United States, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Bulgaria and Spain meaning that the same number can be equally dialed from these locations, with no need of purchasing other phone cards or subscriptions. In order to fulfill client demand, this facility will soon extend in other countries in Europe. The POSTPAID service allows clients to make international low-costs calls from any phone, fix or mobile, thus saving up to 75% compared to the existing alternatives. Another unique feature of the product is the automatic caller identification, which means that the mobile or regular phone number introduced in the data base is automatically recognized, with no need of wasting valuable time while introducing the PIN code.
Concerned with clients\' welfare, the company grants each POSTPAID user access to online call details on call history or current account balance. Contact is the first telecommunications company since the liberalization of the market on 01 01 2003, which offers the client an entirely own designed system providing the details of the calls. Subscribers do not have to pay any installation or subscription fee and the calls invoice is charged only at the end of the month.
The PREPAID cards offer the possibility to call all over the world from any phone at the lowest prices, starting from 8 eurocents/ min (to all the European capitals, US and Canada). The first prepaid telephone card issued in Romania which can be used also from Europe, USA, Canada and Israel was created by Contact Intl and will be on the market starting from 1.09.2003.
Contact International 2000 has released on the market affordable prepaid cards for 5, 10, 20 and 50 Euro (prices do not include VAT), which can be purchased from dealers all over the country, including Romanian Post Offices, AGIP gas stations, SNCFR ticket agencies, Baneasa airport, starting from 01.09.2003

Contact International 2000 is one of the companies on the Romanian communications market that provides international private networks, a product designed for multinational companies. The advantage of the private networks is that the subscribers benefit from free calls within the network, no matter where the offices are located around the world.
Contact\'s dealers network- The online clients\'; portfolio surveillance system offered by Contact to its dealers and partners is the best, accurate and fastest way to stay in touch with the client, providing always more than he expects from his voice services provider.
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